M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED: How not to get caught by scammers

MBF: review of a fraudulent Forex broker

M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED is an online platform for trading currencies, cryptocurrencies, commodities, shares and bonds that promises its customers low and stable spreads, fast execution of transactions, instant withdrawals and zero fees. Sounds good, doesn’t it? However, if you choose to use this platform, you risk losing all your money and getting nothing in return. Why? Because M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED is a scam that is designed to deceive and steal from unsuspecting traders.

In this article we will tell you how to recognize the signs of fraud, what methods scammers use to lure you into their trap, and how to protect yourself and your finances from this threat.

How do I know that M.B.F. is a fraud?

There are several red flags that should alert you if you encounter M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED or similar platforms:

  • Unregulation. M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED does not have any licenses or authorizations from official financial authorities that would confirm their legitimacy and reliability. On the contrary, they are blacklisted by the Central Bank for breaking the law and providing false information. This means that they are not subject to any rules and regulations, are not responsible for their actions, and do not guarantee you any protection or compensation in case of disputes or problems.
  • False Advertising. M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED tries to attract your attention in various ways of advertising, in which they promise you high profits, low risk, bonuses, training, signals and other benefits. However, these are just empty words that have no corroboration or evidence. In fact, they hide from you many hidden fees, restrictions, conditions and pitfalls that can lead to the loss of your deposit.
  • Negative Reviews. If you look up information about M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED online, you will find a lot of feedback from deceived customers who complain about inability to withdraw their funds, incompetence and aggressiveness of the support service, quotation manipulation, blocking accounts and other problems. These reviews are real and reliable, as opposed to positive reviews that twist themselves scams to create the appearance of a reliable and popular company.
  • Unreliable site. The M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED site is another sign that they are not worthy of your trust. The site has poor design quality, contains many errors and inaccuracies, is not protected by encryption or certificates, and constantly changes its address to avoid prosecution. In addition, the site does not provide you with any documents such as terms and conditions, privacy policy, anti-money laundering policy, etc., which are mandatory for any legal broker.

What methods do M.B.F. scammers use to deceive you?

M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED uses various techniques and schemes to lure you into its trap and make you invest more money. Here are some of them:

  • Social Media. Fraudsters create false profiles on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others, where they pose as successful traders, experts, analysts, consultants, etc. They publish false information about their income, strategies, tips and recommendations, as well as reviews from supposedly satisfied customers. They also try to establish a friendly or romantic relationship with you to enhance your trust and influence. The purpose of these actions is to convince you to register on their platform and make a first deposit and then increase it gradually.
  • Phone Calls. Fraudsters can also contact you by phone using different numbers and names, and introduce themselves as managers, brokers, auditors, lawyers, etc. They will insist that you take advantage of a unique opportunity to make money in the market, and that they would help you do that. They will put pressure on you psychologically using different techniques such as fear, greed, wine, trust, etc. They will require you to provide them with your personal and financial information as well as make new payments to activate your account, get a bonus, increase profits, pay taxes, fees, fines, etc.
  • Fake deals. Fraudsters can also manipulate your transactions by showing you fake quotes, graphics, signals and results. They can create the illusion that they are trading successfully in the market, and that you can do the same if you follow their advice and recommendations. However, this is just a scam to get you to invest more money and increase their commission. As soon as you try to withdraw your funds, they will change your transactions, showing you huge losses, or simply close your account, accusing you of breaking the rules or fraud.

How to protect yourself from M.B.F. scammers?

If you want to avoid falling into the hands of M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED fraudsters or similar, you should follow several simple rules:

  • Study the market and brokers. Before you start trading in the market, you should be well versed in the fundamentals and principles of trading, as well as the risks and difficulties you may face. You should also carefully examine the brokers with whom you are going to cooperate, checking their regulation, reputation, reviews, terms, etc. You should only choose proven and reliable brokers who have licenses from well-known financial bodies such as FCA, CySEC, ASIC and others.
  • Be careful and sensible. Do not believe everything that is said or shown to you by crooks, and do not give in to their tricks and promises. Do not trust strangers on the Internet, and do not give them your personal and financial information. Do not accept too good offers, and do not pay any additional fees, taxes, commissions, fines, etc. Do not be afraid to refuse to cooperate with suspicious brokers, and do not hesitate to seek help from professionals or authorities.
  • Follow safety rules. Follow security rules when trading on the market, and protect your funds and data. Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose, and don’t risk your entire deposit. Use only secure and verified payment systems, and do not give access to your account or card to third parties. Monitor your transactions and prevent unauthorized transactions. In case of problems, contact your bank or payment system and ask them for help or refund.


M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED are scammers who must be avoided at all costs. They are not regulated, transparent, or honest. They will attract you with their beautiful website and positive reviews, but they will deceive you and run with your money. They will not provide you with any service or support and they will not comply with your withdrawal requests. They’re a trading scam, and they’re crooks. If you have been deceived by M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED, or if you think about trading with them, I advise you to stay away from them and report them to the authorities. You can also contact me if you need any help or advice, or if you want to share your story with me. I hope my article will help you avoid falling into the hands of M.B.F. MANAGEMENT LIMITED, or any other scam in the trading market. Thank you for reading.


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